And so it begins. Again.
I wasn't selling anything, I wasn't reviewing (apart from one film), I didn't have any campaign to back as such: I was just talking. It did fairly well. Narcissistic, sure - but that doesn't mean it wasn't serving a purpose. As my memory is akin to that of a goldfish ><> I find that it would be very helpful to have my thoughts, feelings and writings recorded somewhere again - so that I don't have to go through an entire mental process from scratch to remember what my conclusions were.
When I left Uni and started doing other things with my life (eventually) I had less time to blog, so in September 2009 I stopped. I didn't shut it down or announce my intention to go - I just stopped posting. The blog is still there with all the articles, though they are hidden for the moment. I have to go back through and edit out posts that are of a somewhat more personal nature: Like most people who blog it contains posts from when I was less than happy. Blogs can act as an outlet, particularly for the more anonymous user, and mine was not an exception (which I just spelt 'acception' - *sigh*). However, that blog was under my real name and as such I need to tone-it-down, particularly as I'm getting close (ha! I was here 5 years ago) to the time when I might get a proper-job.
I turned my attentions to YouTube a couple of years ago and have now been posting videos for a little over a year. Admittedly my output has dropped off in the last 6 months - I like to put effort into the videos and as such I tend to spend short bursts on editing, usually well into the early hours: not healthy. As such - I often don't have the time and energy to make a video on subjects that would require a good deal of scripting and editing, particularly because I have a habit of not being able to vocalise what I wish to say: I might know the words, but I'm a terrible gabbler. And mutterer.
So, as well as posting videos on YouTube and here, I have decided that you LUCKY people deserve to have my written word too. If you're reading this, and them, I hope you enjoy. But at the very least I shall enjoy re-reading everything I have written, because the chances are I'll forget what I've said in due course.
Enter the Widget - First 'proper' video. Sept '09. If you're interested.
Ps - I love commas and my grammar is shite. Deal with it.
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