Monday, 5 September 2011

Homophobe ahoy!

Edit - This post has been updated here, after someone decided he wouldn't read it because of the nasty rude words. Poor lamb.

I posted a massive comment over on Reddit, but decided this warranted a blog all of it's own.

And so! Welcome to the oh-so-scared-of-the-rampaging-gays blog of Stewart Cowen: Real Street. What are we scared of this week, Stewart? Why, we're scared of society treating gays as equals.

So follows my reddit reply, 1. here and 2. here, trimmed slightly to remove Reddit relevant bits and pieces. It ended up quite long.

If I ever get any comment replies (I might not, I think I implied he was a cunt), then I may post a follow up. Chin chin.

Well... Don't feed the trolls. But homophobes are always fun, particularly when they don't admit they're homophobes and are talking rubbish (surely that's pretty much all the time?) so I'll give my tuppence worth, particularly as most people are just telling you to sod off. You deserve a more thorough response as otherwise you might continue thinking what you're thinking, thinking it's right. And that would never do!
‘Gay Marriage’: what you should know
I might be preemptive here but I think all you need to know about gay marriage is:

Two people in love get married and are legally and financially secure like most of the other people who get married and it's none of your business.

How does that sound?
people are made to do things against their will or face the consequences, so that, for example, if a B&B owner’s conscience
Against their will - like what, treat people equally without regard with whom they choose to love? What the hell has it go to do with anyone else? What does it matter what they do with their time and genitals?

But how amusing. You mention the B&B owners. You realise that their refusal to admit the gay couple is analogous to refusing to let a mixed race couple stay at their B&B? There are biblical passages that can be used to justify mixed marriages as being against Jehovah's wishes, as such the Bull's could have turned away a black woman and a white man who are legally married. After all, it's against their beliefs, right?

Nope. And quite obviously in that case. But of course people who don't like the fact that homosexuals in a civil partnership legally have pretty much the same rights as 'normal' married couples will say that being gay is a choice, or that it's their private home so they should be allowed to refuse who they want. That argument is shite, by the way. It's not their private home - it's a business open to the public, plus you have to have a good reason for refusing someone service. "They're gay" is not a legitimate reason. No credible psychologist is of the opinion that homosexuality is a choice. They're refusing someone service because of their sexuality and that's a little bit illegal, I'm afraid.
they take the hump at being ‘offended’ and cause trouble
"Why the hell can't black people just go to black shops? Taking the piss and getting "offended" about not being served in my white shop. Christ, they've got enough places they can go, why do they have to be around here?"

Again it's more obvious isn't it? It's discrimination, not being 'offended'. It is being denied equal treatment because of something innate to your being. That's not hard to understand, really it isn't. Try it for a second.

I don't like you because you're blonde. No, you can't come in to my shop because you're blonde. I don't care if it's "not your fault". Get out. I don't like your kind. Why are you offended? Oh wait hang on yes, I'm discriminating and in our 'liberal' and 'progressive' society, bigot-ism is legislated against for some reason.
all the others will be driven underground, just like in China
Wow, you do like to over egg the pudding, don't you? Would it surprise you to learn that the majority of people in the UK don't care or support mixed sex marriage? The people in charge might not like it, but the proles are in favour. Well, that can't be right, as you and all your mates think queers are abnormal? Tough - the general public is not as intolerant as you'd like.
In a sinister development
DUN DUN DUUUUUN! What happens next?! Gay people will be allowed to drive! Maybe there'll be gay people with jobs! Owning houses! Paying taxes and being MPs!? WHERE WILL IT END!?

Seriously, what the fuck are you scared about? What do you think is going to happen?
forfeit the right to perform all marriages.
You know that slavery was biblically supported for centuries? Do you think it was the churches that decided to change, the public feeling or political leaders? What do you think would happen if a church refused to perform a ceremony between two black people? You know the Mormon church changed its mind about blacks being allowed to hold certain offices in the church? Why might they have done that?
“Gay Rights” always was about changing the definition of marriage
So what if it is? Who wrote the definition in stone? Why should we not be allowed to alter the workings of certain institutions? Marriage has been around much longer than Christianity, by the way, before you point in that direction. In any case thousands of UK marriages are performed without any reference to Christianity.
so many people now support the obliteration of normality
Erm, you know how few gay people there are in the world, right? You know that heterosexuals out number homosexuals by an absurd amount? As such the vast majority of relationship will stay straight. What's normal by the way? Do you know that nearly everyone you meet is "below" average therefore abnormal? Similarly, nearly everyone else is "above" average? Did you know that on average people have less than 2 arms? That's not normal! What is the norm? The mean, median or mode? Who decides what is normal or acceptable?
destruction of society (destruction is inevitable if the basic building blocks – families – are weakened)
Yes I've noticed that since gays were allowed to openly be in relationships, the number of families are declining and the birth rate has dropped. We need to force gays into screwing members of the opposite sex, otherwise our island race will die out. I'm struggling not to be completely abusive to you at this point. It's really very hard.
schoolchildren will be subjected to even more propaganda
"Kids! You HAVE to be gay. You HAVE to fuck someone the same sex as you! No you're not allowed to sex a girl, David. NO! You have touch other girl's bits, Amy. BE GAY! STOP. BEING. STRAIGHT!"

You might not have noticed, but 'propaganda' in schools is to make kids aware that many people are gay and that being gay is ok. This is because up until the last couple of decades or even more recently, being gay was something to be ashamed of. The 'propaganda' is to counter people like YOU who think that the way someone is born should mean we treat them as inferior, 'abnormal' and ostracise them from living as equals when they are causing no harm to anyone whatsoever.

You know there are more gays than Muslims in the UK? ~3.6million gays (2005) and ~ 3million Mulsims (2010) (not including overlap). Christ, I can't believe all this pro-Muslim propaganda in schools. Some damn pro-Muslim charity is trying to get us to treat Muslims like 'normal' people. I don't get it. They want everyone to be Muslims!? Fuck that. We'll all be abnormal.

Again, your arguments are seeming a little thin, aren't they? Why might that be?
who are already encouraging youngsters to wear frocks to help them discover their ‘feminine side’.
Very well done. Way to miss the point, genius. I'm not sure I can be bothered to explain that issue in depth except to give you a hint that the campaign was maybe about getting kids out of the mentality of thinking that "this behaviour is not what my sex does and I don't want to be considered homosexual because I'm not acting like my sex should"? Not a bad thing - you really need to think about that more. I'm guessing you don't own anything pink? How about a Queen album?
How much worse are we going to let our society become just to allow homosexuals, a very small minority, to feel that their abnormal behaviour is normal?
How much longer are we going to let black people in the UK think that having black skin is normal? They should be pale, we don't have that much sunlight up here!

Again: What are you so scared of?! More gays in the world than redheads - Should red heads be encouraged or made to dye their hair? Why are gays different - how are they hurting you? What is wrong with two gays living together and sharing their life in peace? How is that harming society? FUCKING HOW!?

Is it worth mentioning the fact that homosexuality is abundant in nature, displayed in many different species? Oh hang on, have Stonewall been training same sex elephants/flamingos/giraffes to screw each other as part of the gay agenda? Shit, they've even got to the lions!
but dressed up as some great crusade for equality.
Again - What will happen if we let gays have the same marriage rights as the straights? WHERE WILL IT END!? Will the island spontaneously combust due to the friction from copulating queers?

Seriously. What. Do. You. Think. Will. Happen?

The end of the human race? Death from locusts? WHAT?!
Each of these countries has very serious problems due to their increasingly liberal ‘values’ and multiculturalism.
It's true. Some are on the brink of nuclear war, whilst the old are all being pushed out to sea in barges c.f. Children of Men, while the men and women who refuse to have sex with the same gender as them are being thrown to the wolves that have been set up in new "rainbow stadiums" where cheering crowds of couples (and more) engaged in outrageous homosexual sex copulate to the screams and then rub eachother in the entrails of their victims.

But seriously - Do you have any stats or examples about those problem nations or are you talking out of your arse again?

Here's a quick question. You mention several countries: I wonder if you can tell me what the capital city of Argentina, or the Prime Minister of Portugal?

Go on. I'm guessing you haven't been able to manage it. And yet you're sure that these countries have very serious problems... For some reason I don't think you know much about those countries at all. Accuse me of straw manning - I might well be, but I'm pretty sure you know sod all about any real issues those countries might have.

Yeah, I'm guessing you're talking shite.
The warning is there.
Not sure where. You didn't say. You just said something unfounded and left it hanging in the air like a lynched queer hanging from a tree it's what he deserved the queer for being all queer.
Some people will laugh, of course.
In disbelief that you think you have any sort of credible argument.
Some people will call me names, of course.
To be fair, you do come across as a massive cunt.
Some people will ignore the warnings from history, of course.
I'm not sure what history you're talking about exactly because you go to say hint that gays weren't tolerated until pre-1990.
To these people, all I can say is, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Do you like black people? What about 'the' Jews? I don't think you do. I don't know why, it's just a guess. I'm not saying anything about it, but it's just a guess.
Can you think of any culture in any part of the world at any time pre-1990 which allowed two people of the same sex to get “married” and be legally recognised as such?
Can you think of any culture in any part of the world at any time pre-1800 which allowed two people of different colour to get "married" and be legally recognised as such?

That is why you are a complete fucking tool. Heavens, the world should never move forward! I DON'T LIKE CHANGE! I don't like people being happy when we get rid of moronic rules and social constructs that keep people miserable for no reason! I don't like that some people are happy when I'm not!
Were they all ‘homophobic’ or is there a very good reason for not accepting hedonistic, barren lifestyles as normal for the good of the tribe?
Wow. Just when I thought you couldn't get any better... So come on. You haven't explained the issue yet. Hedonistic how? Barren how?

You know that there are a myriad of gays fucking each other right now? So tell me - how is that affecting your life? Or is the plaster falling from the ceiling from the flat upstairs, reminding you that you're not getting any?

I'm going to make a guess and say that the vast majority of gay people who are not being bullied at school by arseholes like you, are far happier with their lifestyles than you are. No, I really mean that and yet I know nothing of you.

And why exactly would gay people not getting married be "for the good of the tribe"? Which tribe are we talking about? A harem of females and one male - that kind of tribe?

Times change, societies change. I really don't know who taught you you should hate gay people but really, you need to take a long hard look at why you do. Rationally.

It's a shame that I simply couldn't resist being abusive to you, because I'd really like to know the answers to my questions. But I've given you the perfect get out for ignoring anything I say because I couldn't resist telling you what a prick I think you are.

I'm guessing you're not a troll so it only remains for me to say (at the moment) that I'm glad you're in an ever decreasing minority. I hope you one day manage to crawl out of the depraved hole that is the intolerance of your bigoted psyche.

I shall now think of something witty with which to sign off: Tosspot :)

For now.

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